Ecology & Evolution of Social Insects

About me

I am a research assistant scientist in the Engineering School of Sustainable Infrastructure & Environment at the University of Florida where my research centers broadly around the ecology and evolution of social insects. I am especially interested in the diversity, function, and evolution of traits involved in communication and group living in both native and introduced ant species. My work uses an integrative approach by combining methods in chemical ecology, behavior, genomics, and functional genetics.

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Elizabeth Cash

Research topics

Pheromone evolution

& function

Ants have often been described as "walking chemical factories," and their use of pheromones is a key feature of their social communication. Pheromones range in function from recognition systems (cuticular hydrocarbons), to resource exploitation (trail pheromones), to mate attraction (sex pheromones), among others. Additionally, many pheromones are thought to have derived from more basic non-communicative functions. Identifying the diversity and roles of pheromones will help our understanding of social insect evolution and how they contribute to a species' success.

Desaturase gene families

Insect desaturases are particularly interesting for their role in chemical communication and potential contribution to speciation, symbioses, and sociality. To understand more about their evolution and function, I study the acyl-CoA desaturase gene families of insects, with a special focus on social Hymenoptera. Recent phylogenetic reconstruction of the insect desaturases has revealed an expanded clade in ants as well as a clade linked to pheromone  biosynthesis in other insects. Building on these findings, my research uses experimental genetic approaches (e.g., RNA interference) to link desaturase genes to chemical phenotypes in ants.

Nestmate recognition &


To reduce the costs of territoriality, organisms often restrict aggression to those who pose the greatest threat. A growing body of evidence shows that some group-living animals exhibit territorial relationships, e.g., the "nasty neighbor" phenomenon, whereby groups behave more aggressively towards neighboring groups than distant groups. In this line of research, I am interested in understanding how prior experience, associative learning, and chemical cues affect territorial behaviors.

Collective immunity

Social group living, while beneficial in many respects, also comes with costs of heightened risk of pathogen exposure and spread. How social insects deal with the variety of challenges that different environments pose has long been of interest in socio/biological research. Through this work, I investigate the diversity and function of natural antibiotics produced by ants and their role in social hygiene and immunity.

Conservation genomics

An important foundation of conservation biology is to have a strong understanding of the diversity and distribution of species around the world. Therefore, building comprehensive datasets is necessary to inform future decisions about species and habitat protections. As part of the California Conservation Genomics Project (CCGP), I am currently generating reference genomes and large-scale population genomic datasets for three California native ant species: the bicolored carpenter ant (Camponotus vicinus), the winter ant (Prenolepis imparis, pictured), and the kidnapper ant (Polyergus mexicanus).

Invasion biology

Invasive ants like the Argentine ant (Linepithema humile, pictured) can have significant ecological impacts, as these species often disrupt ecosystems and outcompete native ant populations. By studying their behavior and biology, we can develop effective strategies for controlling and mitigating harm to biodiversity. Additionally, invasive ants pose economic threats, as they can damage crops, infrastructure, and even impact human health (e.g., Fire ant stings), making thorough research essential for devising informed management plans.


Cash EI, Ward PS, Escalona M, Sahasrabudhe R, Miller C, Toffelmier E, Fairbairn C, Seligmann W, Shaffer HB, and Tsutsui ND. (2024) Genome assembly of the winter ant, Prenolepis imparis. Journal of Heredity esae066.

Cash EI, Escalona M, Ward PS, Sahasrabudhe R, Miller C, Toffelmier E, Fairbairn C, Seligmann W, Shaffer HB, and Tsutsui ND. (2024) Reference genome of the kidnapper ant, Polyergus mexicanusJournal of Heredity esae047.

Ward PS, Cash EI, Ferger K, Escalona M, Sahasrabudhe R, Miller C, Toffelmier E, Fairbairn C, Seligmann W, Shaffer HB, and Tsutsui ND. (2024) Reference genome of the bicolored carpenter ant, Camponotus vicinusJournal of Heredity 115(1):120-129.

Whyte BA, Sandidge R, Buellesbach J, Cash EI, Scheckel KJ, Gibson JD, and Tsutsui ND. (2023) The role of body size and cuticular hydrocarbons in the desiccation resistance of invasive Argentine ants (Linepithema humile). Journal of Experimental Biology 226(16): jeb25578.

Pomerantz A, Siddique RH, Cash EI, Kishi Y, Pinna C, Hammar K, Gomez D, Elias M, Patel NH. (2021) Developmental, cellular, and biochemical basis of transparency in the glasswing butterfly Greta oto. Journal of Experimental Biology 224(10): jeb237917.

Dennis AB, Ballesteros GI, Robin S, Schrader L, ...Cash E (11/39 authors), ...and Gadau J. (2020) Functional insights from the GC-poor genomes of two aphid parasitoids, Aphidius ervi and Lysiphlebus fabarum. BMC Genomics 21: 376.

Oeyen JP, Benoit JB, Beukeboom L, ...Cash E (7/84 authors), …and Niehuis O. (2020) Draft genomes of two sawflies reveal evolutionary acquisitions that fostered the megaradiation of parasitoid and eusocial Hymenoptera. Genome Biology and Evolution evaa106.

Buellesbach J, Whyte BA , Cash E, Gibson JD, Scheckel KJ, Sandidge R, & Tsutsui ND. (2018) Desiccation resistance and micro-climate adaptation: Cuticular hydrocarbon signatures of different Argentine ant supercolonies across California. Journal of Chemical Ecology 44:1101-1114.

Buellesbach, J, Cash E, and Schmitt T. (2018) Communication, Insects. In Swanson P & Skinner MK (Eds.), Encyclopedia of Reproduction, 2nd Edition, Volume 6: Comparative Reproduction (pp. 78-83). Academic Press.

Helmkampf M†, Cash E†*, and Gadau J. (2015) Evolution of the insect desaturase genes with an emphasis on social Hymenoptera. Molecular Biology and Evolution 32:456–471. †These authors contributed equally to this work. *Corresponding author.

Simola DF, Wissler L, Donahue G, …Cash E (18/38 authors), …and Gadau J. (2013) Social insect genomes exhibit dramatic evolution in gene composition and regulation while preserving regulatory features linked to sociality. Genome Research 23: 1235-1247.

Gibson JD, Niehuis O, Peirson BRE, Cash EI, and Gadau J. (2013) Genetic and developmental basis of F2 hybrid breakdown in Nasonia. Evolution 67: 2124-2132.

Smith CR, Smith CD, Robertson HM, Helmkampf M, Zimin A, Yandell M, Holt C, Hu H, Abouheif E, Benton R, Cash E, et al. (2011) Draft genome of the red harvester ant Pogonomyrmex barbatusPNAS 108:5667–5672.

Smith CD, Zimin A, Holt C, Abouheif E, Benton R, Cash E, Croset V, Currie CR, Elhaik E, Elsik CG, et al. (2011) Draft genome of the globally widespread and invasive Argentine ant (Linepithema humile). PNAS 108:5673–5678.

Suen G, Teiling C, Li L, …Cash E (9/49 authors), …and Currie CR. (2011) The genome sequence of the leaf-cutter ant Atta cephalotes reveals insights into its obligate symbiotic lifestyle. PLoS Genetics 7: e1002007.

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University of Florida

Course-based Undergraduate Research Experience, Spring 2025

Research based course on the genetic and genomic basis of insect chemical communication

Analytical Chemistry, Spring 2025

Lecture and lab based course on analytical chemistry techniques in environmental engineering sciences

Bite Me? Insects as Disease Vectors, Fall 2024

UF Quest online: course on arthropod-borne diseases in humans

Arizona State University

InnovationSpace, Fall & Spring 2013 - 2015

Principles of biomimicry: trained students how to apply biomimicry to real-world problems in a year-long, project-based, interdisciplinary (design, engineering, business, and sustainability), course.

Guest Lecturer

Georgia Southern University

Entomology, Fall 2023

Lecture topic: social insects & chemical communication

Guest Lecturer (continued)

University of California, Berkeley

Insects and Human Society, Spring 2018 - 2023

Lecture topic: social insects

Insect Behavior, Fall 2016 & 2020

Lecture topic: research methods in insect behavior

Molecular Approaches to Environmental Problem Solving, Spring 2018 & 2019

Panel discussion topic: postdoctoral research experience

Teaching associate

Arizona State University

Organic Evolution, Summer 2013 - 2016

Principles of organic evolution: core course for biology majors

General Entomology, Fall 2011 & 2012

Laboratory: upper level course for biology majors

General Biology I, Spring 2011

Evolution and ecology track: intro course for biology majors

General Biology II, Spring 2012

Molecular and cellular biology track: intro course for biology majors

Genetics, Fall 2010

Principles of genetics: core course for biology majors

Introductory Biology, Fall 2009

Core course for non-biology majors

Community outreach

  • Bay Area Science Festival

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  • Save Mt. Diablo Bioblitz

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  • IB Hand Sanitizer Project

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  • Bay Area Scientists in Schools (BASIS)

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  • Cal Day at UC Berkeley

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  • Nightlife at the California Academy of Sciences

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  • Academic Talent Development Program

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  • Girls Do Science! at the Florida Museum of Natural History

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Media coverage

Journal covers


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